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Post Operative Instructions for Your Oral Surgery (e.g Tooth Extraction, Dental implant)

We encourage you to read the answers to all the Frequently Asked Questions below so you can feel confident that your actions and decisions post surgery minimize your discomfort and healing time. If you have a question, follow these guidelines. If you feel you need further clarification, please call us at 833-925-8326.

Thank you for choosing our team to guide you through your Wellness³² (a.k.a Oral Health) Journey!


What should I do during the first hour after the surgery?

Bite down gently but firmly on the gauze packs placed over the surgical areas. Don’t change them in the first hour unless bleeding isn’t controlled. After one hour, you can remove them. If bleeding continues, replace the gauze and maintain pressure.

What care instructions apply for the second and third days?

Rinse your mouth with salt water, resume brushing, apply warm compresses for swelling, and monitor your healing. If we provided an irrigating syringe, don’t use it for the first five days.

What constitutes normal healing after tooth extraction?

The first two days might be uncomfortable with some swelling. By the third day, you should be more comfortable. If you don’t see steady improvement, contact our office.

How should I treat the surgical area on the day of the surgery?

Avoid disturbing the surgical area. Don’t rinse vigorously, probe the area, or smoke for at least 48 hours.

What if I notice intermittent bleeding or oozing overnight?

This is normal. Control bleeding by placing fresh gauze and biting on it for 30-45 minutes at a time.

What steps should I take if there's persistent bleeding?

Ensure the packs exert pressure on the surgical sites. You can also use a tea bag wrapped in gauze for 20-30 minutes. If bleeding remains uncontrolled, contact our office.

What should I expect in terms of swelling?

Swelling is common after oral surgery. Minimize it using a cold ice pack applied 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off during the first 24 hours. If prescribed medicine, take as directed.

How can I manage post-surgical pain?

Most oral surgeries result in some discomfort. You’ll likely have pain medication. It’s advisable to take the first dose before the anesthesia wears off. If nausea occurs due to pain meds, eat a little before taking them.

What if the pain medication doesn't provide sufficient relief?

If pain persists, supplement with an analgesic like aspirin or ibuprofen. The most severe pain usually occurs within six hours after the anesthesia wears off. If pain becomes too much, call 833-925-8326.

How can I address post-surgery nausea?

Eat comfortable, nourishing food and avoid very hot items. Avoid using a straw and eating foods like nuts that might get lodged in the sockets. Start with liquids or pureed foods and gradually move to solids.

What should I do if I feel sharp edges in the surgical areas?

These might be bony walls that once supported the extracted teeth. Occasionally, bone slivers might emerge. If they cause discomfort, contact our office.

How can I reach the office for clarification or emergencies?

You can call our office at 833-925-8326. We also offer a 24-hour answering service to contact the doctor on call after hours. For a quicker response, call during office hours.

If you have any concerns or questions about your dental care, don’t hesitate to reach out to us 833-925-8326!