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Implant Bridges

Implant bridges, also known as dental implant bridges or implant-supported bridges, are a type of dental restoration used to replace missing teeth. Unlike traditional bridges that rely on adjacent natural teeth for support, implant bridges are anchored to dental implants.

Benefits of implant bridges include improved stability, functionality, and aesthetics compared to traditional bridges. They also help preserve bone health in the jaw.

It’s important to note that the success of implant bridges depends on factors like oral health, bone density, and overall medical condition. Consultation with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon is essential to determine if implant bridges are the right option for you.


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Learn about the implant bridges as a good option to replace multiple missing teeth.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about implant bridges:

What are implant bridges?

Implant bridges are dental restorations that replace missing teeth by using dental implants as support. They consist of artificial teeth (pontics) connected to dental implants, providing a stable and natural-looking solution.

How do implant bridges differ from traditional bridges?

Traditional bridges rely on adjacent natural teeth for support, while implant bridges are anchored to dental implants. Implants act as artificial tooth roots, offering better stability and preventing the need to involve neighboring natural teeth.

Who is a suitable candidate for implant bridges?

Generally, individuals with good oral health, sufficient bone density, and overall good health are suitable candidates. A thorough evaluation by a dentist or oral surgeon is necessary to determine candidacy.

How is the implant bridge placement process?

The process involves several steps, including implant placement, a healing period for osseointegration, abutment attachment, impressions, and the final placement of the custom bridge. The entire process may take several months.

Is the implant bridge placement procedure painful?

Local anesthesia is typically used during the surgical procedures, ensuring that patients are comfortable and pain-free. After the procedure, some discomfort and swelling may occur, but it can be managed with pain medication.

How long do implant bridges last?

With proper care and maintenance, implant bridges can last for many years, often decades. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene practices, and avoiding habits that may damage the implants contribute to their longevity.

Can anyone see that I have implant bridges?

Implant bridges are designed to look natural, and the color and shape of the artificial teeth can be customized to match your existing teeth. Once in place, they are often indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Are there any dietary restrictions with implant bridges?

One of the advantages of implant bridges is that they function much like natural teeth. There are typically no significant dietary restrictions, and patients can enjoy a normal and varied diet.

What is the cost of implant bridges?

The cost can vary depending on factors such as the number of implants needed, the type of materials used, and geographic location. It’s important to discuss the cost and payment options with your dentist.

Are there any risks or complications associated with implant bridges?

While implant bridges have a high success rate, there can be risks such as infection, implant failure, or complications during the healing period. These risks are minimized with proper planning and postoperative care.

It’s crucial to consult with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon to address specific concerns and receive personalized information based on individual circumstances.